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Cancer News
Read the latest medical research on risk factors for cancer, cancer symptoms, treatments and more. Updated daily. |
The Mission
Our passion for cancer advocacy and one amazing personal journey is at the core of this site.
Cancer Avenues strives to empower patients, their family and friends to be active and informed participants throughout the cancer journey. We are committed to provide a wide range of information, support and advocacy for those afflicted with cancer and affected by cancer personally. We believe that education is paramount and exploring all options will ensure the best decisions. We are hopeful to bring about a higher quality of services for those diagnosed through disseminating pertinent information. “Awareness is vital and knowing that each and every life need not be lost to this disease.” - Darlene S. Gant
Additional Tidbits...
In the cancer world, we make important decisions daily regarding our lifestyle, environment and medical care. Everyone reaches that defining moment to either take charge or become a back seat passenger. Cancer Avenues strives to provide information, resources and infinite options to enable you to sit in the driver seat and empower you to become the best advocates for yourself and/or a loved one. Additionally, an experience with cancer is not only a physical journey but an emotional and spiritual one. It is a time to turn within to find strength and hope in an attempt to over come the many obstacles in place. We are optimistic in our efforts to plant seeds of HOPE and HEALTH.
Partners In Health
